Length and Format of Contributions

Articles should clearly indicate the name or names of its author or authors, their detailed institutional adscription, the post address or the e-mail address of the author in charge of all correspondence.

Articles should not exceed a length of thirty pages, all comprised, id est: graphics, references, and footnotes. Texts should be typed in TIMES NEW ROMAN font, size 11, 1.5 spacing, leaving a 3.5 cm. margin on the left side, a 3 cm margin on the right side, a 4 cm margin on the upper part of the page, and a 3 cm margin on the bottom part of the page.

Each article should be accompanied by two short 150-200 word summaries or abstracts, one in English and another in Spanish.

Each article should also be accompanied by a set of key words of no less than three words and no more than six words, in English and in Spanish.

Contributions should be sent to: subjecivitas@gmail.com

Comments and Book Reviews should not exceed a length of ten pages, all comprised, and they should comply with the same abstract, key word, format, and references criteria posed to articles.

Citation and Quotation Criteria

Authors of papers submitted to Subje/Civitas for reviewing and possible publication, are encouraged to omit, in their papers, any reference to the academic titles and acknowledgements of the author or authors they quote or they refer to in support of their papers, and are encouraged as well to avoid the use of laudatory expressions about those same authors.

Quotations with a length of over two lines should be typed in 10 size characters. Quotation texts must be separated from the body of the ‘running text’1 of the article and must present a 1.5 cm. indentation on both sides.

Quotations of less than two lines should be introduced in the body of the text of the article and should, therefore, be typed in characters of the same size of those used in the body of the running text of the article, but they should be framed by single inverted commas: ‘ ’. Full inverted commas “ ” will not be accepted for this kind of quotations.

Within a given quotation, three dots should be used to indicate the omission of material. Original spelling and punctuation should be retained unless otherwise stated.

Italics should be used for words of foreign origin, such as Weltanschauung.

The meaning intended with the use of italics, bolds, or underlined words or paragraphs should be specified in a footnote or, otherwise, should be avoided.

Underlined words and paragraphs will not be accepted.

Bibliographical references serving to identify the source of a quoted text should be indicated immediately after the last word of that same text, either by following the numbered foot note format, or by following the format of bracketed author’s name, year of publication and page number.

Subje/Civitas emphasizes the use of the first type of format, that is, the use of numbered foot notes to indicate bibliographical references.

Under the numbered foot note format, and if and only if the bibliographical reference is indicated for the first time within the article, it should be indicated in its full format, that is:

Author’s last name or authors’ last names,
First letter of author’s first name or first letter of authors’ first names,
Bracketed year of publication,
Article’s title, is case the source is an article,
In italics, the name of the journal that published the article referred,
The volume number and the issue number of the journal, in case the source is an article,
The total number of pages occupied by the article within the journal,
The specific page or the specific number of pages in which the quoted text appears,
Book’s title, in case the source is a book,
City of publication,
Name of the publishing house.
The number of the page in which the quoted text appears.

For references that stand alone within the text, this is, for references not linked to any quotation, authors are invited to briefly describe the relationship held between them and the paragraphs of the article where they appear.

In the same way, authors are invited to indicate the page or pages of their references, where their connections with author’s papers may be identified.

As mentioned before, the first use of a given reference should appear in its full format at the bottom of the corresponding page, as a numbered foot note. The following is an example of a reference indicated in its full format:

1. Gurwitsch, A. (2002). Esquisse de la Phénoménologie Constitutive. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.

The bibliographical citation of a book should be made according to the above indicated format:

Author family name
First letter of author’s first name
Year of publication in parenthesis
Book’s Title in italics
City of publication
Two dots

Subsequent uses of a same given reference should appear in an abbreviated format: “Gurwitsch, 2002, op.cit., p. 67”, “Gurwitsch, 2002, op.cit., pp. 63-68”.

References not tied to quotations may also appear integrated to the body of the ‘running text’, if and only if they were already indicated in their full format, as foot notes. In this way, when references are part of the ‘running text’, they should follow the format “author’s last name (date)” or “(author’s last name, date)”.

Within the body of the ‘running text’ of an article, the numbers indicating foot notes or indicating references, must be superscript typed, for example: “ 1 ”. Numbers heading each foot note at the bottom of a given page, should be written in normal characters, using the same font and size of the text of the note.

Foot notes are not only admited but encouraged.

All references quoted in an article, Comment or Book Review should be included, at the end of the paper, in a final complete bibliography alphabetically listed.

Subje/Civitas will not accept any article presenting the bibliographical references typed in capital letters. Names of authors should be typed in terms of a capital letter the first letter, and lower-case the rest of the letters of any name.

Reference to different publications of one and same author, same year, must be alphabetically labeled the following way: “Doe, 1966a, Doe, 1966b, Doe, 1966c,” etc.

Full reference to a book should adopt the following format:

Durkheim, E. (1911), La Division du Travail Social. Paris: Alcan.

Reference to edited books should adopt the following format:

Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). (1999). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Reference to papers belonging to an edited book should adopt the following format:

Berti, A. E. (1994). Children’s understanding of the concept of the state. In M. Carretero & J. F. Voss (Eds.), Cognitive and instructional processes in history and the social studies (pp. 49-75). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Reference to journal papers should adopt the following format:

Adelson, J. & O’Neil, R. (1966). Growth of political ideas in adolescence: The sense of community. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4, 295-306.

The general recommended format for citing pages on the Web is as follows:

- Author or Editor if there is one (this will be indicated on the home page).
- Title of the page (many web pages have a heading as title).
- Publisher (The publisher may be a person, a group, an enterprise, or an institution).
- Date of creation (in some cases the date of creatin may be found on the home page).
- URL.

The following is an example of a reference to a web page:

Castelli, J.H. “Sir John Harrington, Knight.” Tudor Place (sin fecha). http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/index.html

1. In typography, running text or body copy is the writing that makes up the majority of the page. Running text is typically broken up into paragraphs, can be placed in multiple columns (Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_text).